Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Try, Try Again

So much for paying attention to the "blog today" lines on all those "do today" lists.

Well, this is the 30 days of knuckling down. eat better, exercise more, get more accomplished. Blah blah blah. But now I can cross off "blog today" from the July 2nd list. Hot damn. Simple pleasures ARE the best. At least right now. One drawer cleaned on the work desk and a blog logged. Now on the mom and two cubs pastel. The title came the other day...."It's Never Too Early to Start Placing Blame."

Rain came to the cities today but not to here. The little ponds are drying up. Some of the ferns are getting crispy. But the tomato plants are doing good so far. The old timers are looking great.

Two days to get ready for the Stockhom wI art fair. I hope it goes as well as last year. Hot - but good sales and much fun. i do miss the Eagle River crew. Serious sigh. And Tara and I spoke of Breyerfest today. Those be long ago days already.

Well, will I keep this up....? Not even I know.
On to what's left of this glorious day.
