Thursday, November 26, 2009

After Thanksgiving

Now through the Holiday Season we will have a great gang of our bears downtown Stillwater, Minnesota upstairs in American Gothic Antiques,the shop where they all began.

There are also some piles of older pieces downstairs here at home waiting to be sorted through. Most are smaller 8 by 10 things - some will probably be stripped of frame and mat and spoken to kindly with the usual sad yet truthful, "Sorry, old pal, but you didn't make the cut....,"and, sigh, ripped in the ritual four quarters and tossed gently in to the waste basket. Some will be rescued, and some will hang around to inspire further pieces. A few will graduate to be new cards and magnets - if not offered as Art.

We bought some baked goodies for this weekend's Open House at the shop, but also got out the recipe cards and whipped up brownies and dream bars from scratch. it's been a while since eggs, flour and sugar have been beaten in our kitchen. the new oven is much more the pal than our last one. I can trust this beast to do what it says it's going to do - sigh,

So, on to the wonders of black Friday (I'm not venturing out till daylight) and the coming weeks.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all-
- Sue

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Recent simple pleasures -

!)Fixing the muddy sound on the good old stereo Record Player by daring to play around with the wires in the back.

2)Receiving a forwarded e-mail picturing a black bear sow and her five cubs - wow.

3)Appreciating the recent warmish weather, with no snow on ground yet. Still time to cover the flower bulbs with wire to fend off the chomping rodents.

4)Having a near-forest of thriving large jade plants now that Todd and his sister, Linda, split up Mr. Jade this summer.

5)Cub grocery store having their butter on sale for $.98 a pound for two weeks in a row.

6)Having work to do and the ability to do it.

7)Finally figuring out our Christmas card design at 4:10 A.M. this morning.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all -
