In BIG and LITTLE ways.
Mostly in One Hour Chunks a few times a day. Doesn't sound like much, but at this fluffy gluffy time of year this is big for me.
A Plan for 2016 is to Blog At Least 200 Times. Sorry, but it's the only way. And I need more than just The Hound of Accountability.
I need Stubborn.
Once upon a time I WAS Stubborn. And some has still got to be inside my wacky little brain/spirit. It made be get on the bike and pedal thirty miles a day. It made me "brave" enough to sign up for that Fargo, ND, horsemanship school. Yup, Shy Sue did what she had to do.
And now I need to do more of what needs to be done.
And of what I WANT to do but Fear Doing.
I need Stubborn. Grit. Do The Deedness.
And because 2016 is going to be another The Best Year Ever I want/need to chronicle the doings.
This might not be pretty...
But it will get Done!
(No, don't type a wussy Question mark there.)
On to The Doing/Not Doing.
Remember, Stubbornly Not Doing can be a doing in itself.
On to The Grand Adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue the Stubborn
Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios