I have been drawing. And reading about drawing.
And looking at other's drawings.
And observing.
Every red maple leaf cries out:
I am Different!
I am the ONLY ONE just like ME!
The going-brown GREEN Garden
whispers to be remembered.
Each meal one eats is an opportunity to draw a something for the very first and last time.
To note.
To recall.
To inspire.
To learn.
I am a Drawer.
Yet, I do not draw as often as I "should."
There is really not excuse.
There are only obstacles.
And obstacles most often can be over-come.
Draw fences.
Draw rivers.
Draw bridges and roads.
Or don't.
This bit of typing is mostly for me.
Constant Reminding is a must.
For me.
Habit rules.
Until it doesn't.
Some of you understand.
If you don't - that's O.K., too.
Paper, pens, and painting supplies are packed.
And I've planned for "Time."
There is no excuse.
Yet, wish me Luck, and Happy Scribbling!
I wish the same for you!
Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios