Thursday, September 29, 2011

30-3: Van Gogh Cafe

Sept. 29 - A new arts group came together in Stillwater, Minnesota tonight. Called "The Van Gogh Cafe," in honor of our first subject, it consisted of a room full of folks - all women - interested in convening for talk of art, life, and a bunch of et cetera.

After sitting down with the beverage of our choice we listened to a presentation on Vincent van Gogh illustrated with examples of his work, both well-known and obscure. A vase of fresh sunflowers on our table was a great added touch, though at least one folk's allergies were set off by same. Oh, the price one pays for being in the presence of a little bit of beauty. Following the presentation we shared questions and possible answers regarding Vincent's life. Was he perhaps affected by chemicals present in his paints and solvents? How was his work presented and marketed after his death? How much of his life is myth? Fact? One recent visitor to France spoke of one region's artists seemingly to work only in the style of van Gogh's bold style.

Chat following the main topic ranged freely - and time zoomed toward our 8:30PM adjourning. Heading out the door we agreed that The Van Gogh Cafe is very much a welcomed addition to Stillwater's arts activities.

Winslow Homer will be the topic of next month's meeting: Thursday, Act. 27th - from 6:30 - 8 PM, at The Bikery, 904 4th Street. All are welcomed, and there are no costs above the price of a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, and maybe a tasty treat or two. For more information contact: The Van Gogh


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