Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Drawing Challenge - Day 13

Yup. I HAVE been drawing - and painting - just not posting.

Many cats, a few dogs, one horse, a tiny rooster, and lots more waiting their turns.

Have used graphite pencil, colored pencil, soft pastel, and gouache.

Same have turned out better than others.
None have been complete failures - whew.

I have learned:

* painting with gouache is FUN.
* it's O.K. to resort to graphing out an image (or two).
* to look more carefully - especially AFTER something can no longer be fixed.
* how to fix some things.
* to cut myself some slack.
* to use a timer if I want to use a timer.
* that it's O.K. to spend more time with one image than with another.
* to go with the flow. (That's probably a lie.)
* that painting chicken feathers need not be feared! Beaks? Beaks are a different matter.

Yes, I will post images.
Yes, I an thrill that the owners seem to enjoy their furry friends' portraits.
Yes, more challenges are being added almost daily.

I asked and folks' have shared.
Thanks for the kind words and the kitties. So. Many. Kitties....!

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