Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tiny Sketchbook - 3

Sadly, I do not have The Gift of Crust. Grandma Rowe did. My sister, Lynn, does. So many have it. So many others do not. Some say that one can learn from You Tube. I prefer to simply buy the crusts made by my good friend, Betty Crocker.

May this day be one of joy, doing, and stopping. Of watching birds, insects, people, and furry friends. (Yes, some of our furry friends ARE people.)
Of perhaps eating Pie, or thinking of Pi, or doing both.
Of pondering art and science and science and art. Of knowing that if it is becoming Spring in one part of the Earth it is becoming Autumn in another.

Of appreciating almost every moment - and to try remembering to experience, in real time (whatever that is) the two times today of 3.141592653. Some will be eating pie at these times. Others will ignore the moment.s Dare to do as you please.

And, Happy Birthday, Mom, Jason, and Albert Einstein!

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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