Thursday, July 30, 2015


Yesterday I wasn't sure if this Challenge could be pulled off.
It can.

It simply takes Not Doing other things and Doing This.

So simple.
So hard.

Will I regret the time "wasted" typing this never-to-be-read-again sentences?

However, it's the doing that's more important right now.

No, I am not a marathon  runner, nor an American Ninja Warrior.

But I wanted to see if I could blog thirty times in a month.

Some years ago I did - documenting ridding home of at least 30 things for 30 days.

Those were decent reads.
These coming-down-to-wire posts, well..... probably not.

Yet, as the numbers grow smaller I am almost excited.

I'm on little Seabiscuit and we are barreling along!!!!
Poor horse is carrying lots more weight than he usually would...

But as long as his Spirit gallops on, I'll keep him heading for the Finish Line!
Woo hoo!!

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