Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Skipping Ahead

A more "serious" post is still in the typing, so here is a bit of a teeny green start of what I hope will be a series. 

I've never worked "big," though I admire those who do. I tend to head for the other direction. These 3" x 3" canvases were bought to play with, so play I will try. Have to use those tiny brushes sometime! What, you don't have art supplies you never use?? Oh, come on.

Here's the start of a little green bruin.

Just blocking in shapes now. And have to decide on how far to take this bitty piece.

It HAS been fun to create in different scale.
And another mini work in progress has taken a route to completion.
Might be opening up possibilities for larger paintings in a "new for me" style.

But also:
Must not forget to apply for art fairs.
Must order mats. 
Must finish stuff for taxes.
Must ship orders.

But can cross BLOG off To Do List from three days ago.
Baby steps.

Thoughts with all who are dealing with Weather throughout so many parts of the country.
Few folks, outside of the "industry" know that many art fair booths were destroyed in recent Florida storms.
And many others' plans are being mucked up by snow storms now.

We've been "lucky" this season here in Upper Midwest. So far.

Thank you for continued reading of my rambles, and encouraging me to keep typing. 

It's ten AM here, and the tea kettle is calling.
May we all do a bit to make the world a kinder place today.

Hugs to all who need them!

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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