Monday, May 22, 2017


Sunshine happened here today. 
Almost all day. 
It was Glorious.


But the garden soil is sodden and hard. 
So much for working the ground earlier.
A farmer must deal with what is.
Not what a farmer wishes things would be.

The tomatoes in the ground do not look happy.
The ones NOT in the ground look eager to be planted.
They do not know what might be in store for their tender little roots. And stems. And leaves.

Beets are planted.
Kale? Not yet. Soon.

This may not be the year for basil.
We will see how things work out.
Playing with dill this year. 
And  viney plants.

Sunflowers, too. And zinnias.
And fennel for particular butterflies.

On to the coming months' adventures.
And hope for sun.
And crops.

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