Sunday, November 5, 2017


Right now I'm sitting at a table in our local art center. Six or seven of us are participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I've written for three hours - not counting a lovely yoga break at 7 P.M.

Novel bears have done some things. Not exciting things. Mostly eating at the bakery in their town. But somehow three bear state troopers also appeared at the bakery. This was as surprising to me as it was to the bears walking into the bakery. So - maybe something "exciting" has already happened or is about to happen or just might happen some time in the future. My brain has no idea.

Here is a print I made two years ago. Prints can also hold mysteries.

This was a plain print. Black ink on paper. So I decided to dress it up a bit with metallic colored pencil. 

In writing, I find it harder to dress up a scene or dialogue or plot. So my typing my novel novel is much more a practice than a thought that some day an actual real story will evolve. It might. There are numerous threads that have the possibility of being woven together. I ain't holding my little author's breath. And that's O.K.

This blog post is titled "Cheating" because I'm using "novel time" as blogging time. It's good to be oneself enough to be comfortable with this choice. Or maybe not.

And I am choosing to leave the art center before nine P.M. Our scheduled writing time tonight is from 5 P.M. till 9.

Other things - like reclining - are saying "My turn for your time." Tea is whispering to my from a mile and a half away.

So I am cheating the novel but attending to more, to me, important things.

A single day is made up of so many small decisions.
And tonight I've decided to be a cheating writer.


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