Thursday, November 16, 2017


in the past week
I have gone to sleep with
my glasses on

I wake up in bed
Take off my glasses
and go back to sleep

In the dark morning
Glasses - gone!
I AM my glasses
My glasses are ME

The first time
finding them was easy

Although they were on the carpet
Way too in the open
for safety

This dark early morning
They were simply


One lamp on - 
searching searching
why do I keep so many things
near my bed?

How will I drive to work
without my glasses?

Where the hell can they BE?

Move a this.
Check under a that.
Nope. Nope. Nope.

Well, at least some spots in this room are cleaner now.

Check that purse.
And that one.
And to my right - 
on top of things already moved

There sits the beauty of sight
Safe. Unbroken. Found.

Life is less mysterious 
Back to the used-to
real/not real perspective.
On to an again-normal day.

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