Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Challenge - Five Happy Bears

The "100 Happy Bears" Personal Challenge is chuggin' along.

Yesterday's production numbered seventeen! Playing catch up from a pretty much zombie Monday after two day art fair in Duluth, Minnesota. Doing it alone, on a cold, wet, windy weekend finally took a tole. I'd not expected to "crash" - goodbye, beautiful Monday. I missed most of you.

This is not one of yesterday's seventeen. I do not even remember the date it was maybe considered finished. (It might not be finished.) Although a gardener, I am not usually  a person to put flower petals of things. But fake flowers on faux bruins seems to be working on the Happy Front. So - 

(copyright Sue Rowe 2017)

This acrylic-on-canvas piece has had many dances with the paintbrush. I don't know if there are metaphorical layers, but there ARE layers of unseen colors and shapes. The white-ish bear was NOT white many brush strokes ago. Artists have to make odd decisions, but they do have to decide to decide.

I do not know these bears. But they appear to be Happy.
And that's all that counts this month.


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