Monday, October 16, 2017

Do New to Re-New?

Brain and body are still chilled and foggy from the past weekend's Red Wing Art Festival. In the end we didn't do too badly.

But I am tired. Or weary?

This morning Todd went to the funeral of a former co-worker. younger than us by a number of years. Cancer. Quickly.

So that puts a certain perspective on the day.

We are breathing. I am not bitching.

Just wanting for a Good Different. And Time to do whatever one wishes. Even if it is regular work.

Tonight holds a Visual Journal meeting in Minneapolis. Very near U.S. Bank Stadium, where so many football players were injured playing yesterday. Both Packers and Vikings. Particularly, for Packer fans, Aaron Rodgers. I am a shallow serious fan. Life goes on - but it won't be as much fun for quite a while.

And I have to put me back on way less sugar, gluten, etc, etc eating restrictions. 'Cause this is being typed to a "chiming roar" tinnitus that I made "louder" by my weekend eating and drinking. We humans are a confusing bunch. We KNOW what NOT to do. We DO that. Millions of us. Billions of us?

On that note - 

On to making tomorrow better than today - 
More healed. Less bitch-worthy. More fun.


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