Friday, February 9, 2018


The Three Crows pastel is finished.

But "finished" in pastels is sometimes a relative term. This is the image submitted as part of an art fair application this afternoon.
Deadline?  The packet mailed had to be postmarked today. So - that is why this piece is done. Done-ish...

After burning the CD and packing everythiny needed, I went back and looked at the procession of images leading up to this one. There was one with many darker areas. It somehow appears more "magical" - even though it is clearly less finished. So.... these crows will probably get re-worked. They are O.K. to me - but not magical. Mysterious - but not magical. And mysterious is fine, and something I am trying to convey. But...... magic..... crows.......

And time for experimenting..... There is nothing to lose but suede matboard, some chalky dusty stuff from little colored sticks, time, and hope.

And right now there is Hope.

Fare-thee-well - 
It's been an ever-long day - 

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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