Sunday, February 18, 2018


No work on pastels again today.

I will lay blame on "super-loud" tinnitus. It was a rare two-pill day.

But eventually a few things got accomplished. Not in order, and not that anyone cares:

1) exercised for an hour
2) worked on 2018 Heart Project for an hour. Iwas going to be more or less done with this for the year, but a segment on "CBS Sunday Morning" about a dad sending his grown children a postcard every day got me revved for sending out and giving away more Hearts.
3) worked on art fair applications for an hour at a local coffee shop
4) journaled a bit
5) "vision-quest" thought and wrote at coffee shop. The gas burning fireplace was the perfect to be near. I was almost relaxed.
6) worked on NaMoPaiMo model horse profect for over an hour. Good to have gesso and first coat of acrylic paint on him, though he still needs more sculpting done on his tail. He is turning out more working ranch horse than polished show horse, and that is alright with me.
7)blogging a probably boring blog post. But the typing is more about being able to cross out the "BLOG" box in the weekly I-don't-know-what-to-call-it journal. The Keep Sue On Task Journal? The Don't Forget to Have Goals Journal?

Now, because the box has not been crossed off yet today, it is time to stop typing and start back reading the Georgia O'Keefe book I'm getting through. I'd had a goal of finishing it two weeks ago, but I will accept the joy that will come in the eventual finishing, and the joy in the reading.


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