Monday, April 2, 2018

April - Day 2

Today has been a solid mix of business doings, organizing in Studio B, house work, a coffee shop break with a pal, journaling, Fake Journaling, getting new varieties of garden seeds in the mail, and relaxing with social media and Netflix.

Oh, before that there was an hour of pacing through the house for an hour while watching a BBC Scotland documentary on early botanists. On You Tube.

So I am a tiny bit more knowledgeable, the house in a tiny bit cleaner, there have been business baby steps taken, and sharing stories with friend and barista.

Snow has been happening since noon, and though the metro area of Minnesota is not getting socked the hardest, it still is playing bad tunes in many peoples' brains. Seeing friends' posts on Facebook showing green grass and/or tree and flower blossoms fill brain with joy and sadness. We will have green here again some day. But not soon. At least the sun rays are at a more "warm" degree. But with a forecast "high" of 31 degrees tomorrow, well, to put it gently - we are NOT amused.

Now it's time to quite typing and channel my more nocturnal friends. 'Cause there is still work to be done.

Day Two of April? Filled to the brim. Ye ha! (I hope I don't fall asleep reading in "Dune" later. I hope to get around to reading in "dune" later...)


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