Wednesday, April 4, 2018

"Pretending" and Joy

A few simple things that bring me Joy:

* An empty coffee shop table for me - and enough other tables empty for potential other customers so I don't have to feel guilty about taking up a long time of money making space.

*  <<< These

* Sunshine warming my back even on this eleven degree above zero morning. Darn - it had been a balmy twelve above earlier...

* A planned dinner out tonight  -  to talk with a friend while listening to another friend play jazz on a dining place's piano.

* Seeing some seeds sprouting from their starting soils.

* Learning about real things while working in my Fake Journal - 

(Yes, I was so happy to start in on this today that I mis-dated by twenty-four hours! - It is actually still April 4th - as far as I know.)

* Daffodils in The Daily Grind. (Theirs are the solid yellow ones. I sneaked off to Goodge Images for this one.)

* Having enough money to buy a second cup of de-caf coffee.

* Remembering that some places still provide Free Re-fills. This place is not one of those places, but that's O.K.

* Knowing that there are hours in the day to accomplish many things on The Master List. Oops - this might be veering from Simple and/or Joy.

On that note - it is time to vacate this bench and head back up the hill to Reality.

And that is O.K., too.

Sometimes "O.K." can also bring one Joy...


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