Monday, November 20, 2006

Bearly Noted


Welcome to the next grand adventure. Tonight finds me fighting with my lovely computer in an attempt to finally join the ranks of those who blog. We shall see what we shall see.

I had a sense of humor when I started this evening but it's long gone. The Magic Sleep Couch is calling. Several nights ago I slept in the theater while "watching" "Casino Royale-" the power of gunfire to put me to sleep is an old joke now. Oh well. Did wake up in time for most of the end, and have heard that the middle was at least as good as the excellent beginning and end.

Another day will find my art fair traveling companion Pearl the Bear awaiting the creation of her new friends Ruby and Ella. Bring on the Foam-Core. Bring on the glue. Give thanks to the new friend who donated her mom Ella's coat. Faux fur and mink - an odd mix, but it's got to be done. And before the next art fair. Let the growling begin!


Sue Bear