Friday, June 17, 2011

Small Pleasures - Tiny Cows

An artists can't live by pastels alone. Lately, some companions have been a small handfull of tiny cows. They are items left from a former life and only come upon by a chance deep cleaning of a closet. Ya yust neffer know.

So some live out in the patio garden, some stay in the house, and some come on our travels.

The above duo are trying out the acoustics at the Lakefront Park amphitheater in Hudson, Wisconsin. No, they are NOT doing "Moooooon River."

Later they took in the view from the bridge just south of the park. Folks were enjoying a day of sailing on the St. Croix River. The cows were content to stay on dry ground.

If one cow is good, are three cows better? I don't know, and they're not telling.

These strange little adventures will probably not end up as great art, but it appears that the Holsteins will be being hauled along for the rest of the summer.

Go clean a closet - you might be inspired by the mysteries you'll find there!

This weekend it's off to Virginia, MN and The Land of the Loons Festival for the bruins and me.

June 25 - 26 we will be at the Art Fair at beautiful Park Point in Duluth, Minnesota. If you make the trek "Up North" check out our goodies atBlue Lake Gallery in Duluth's Canal Park.

And Best of Luck to all you Grandma's Marathon -ers!!!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Bayfield, Wisconsin, on an early October, early A.M. Our efforts can be to enjoy our foggy days or do something to make them go away.

A great sunset is hard to beat. However, serious fogs have also had me mouthing "Wow."
May the atmosphere surrounding you today be what you hoped it'd be.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pastels back then -

While cleaning out a nook or a cranny I came upon this box of antique art-making stuff.
Have not taken the time to research the exact era, but I'm guessing 1930's?
(Oops, was I wrong - According to these little beauties were made only from 1905 to 1909!)

Although these pastel crayons are "for every use" I haven't had the heart to put one to use. They have survived this long - and they will a little longer.

These muted colors will never give the Terry Ludwig Dark collection a run for the money, but I hope that their original owner made some lovely work. On to making ours!
