After about 30 minutes of concentrated attention our lady is coming along.... The pencils keep making tiny marks, mostly tiny circles. I have a bad habit of not stopping to note incorrect dimensions. Today I try to stay aware of ratios, directions, shapes, values, shadows versus physical features. The goal is to create a pleasing image, staying respectful of the original subject, while not needing to depict an exact copy. Choosing to use color forces me to make a number of decisions not necessary if simply copying the photograph. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the pencil colors are not from my "best" bag, but a third "not exactly my favorites" bunch. I do my best, choosing from a variety of pencils ranging from beige to violet blue. An Apple Green and a few different oranges add a little interest.
After a number of passes I feel the tell-tale gliding sensation of waxy build-up. Sometimes this gets me cranky, but today I decide to think of it as a way to sculpt the woman's features. Back and forth, back and forth. Hmmmmm. She's becoming somebody one might have a nice chat with. Good. Will her lips be an issue? Trust the pencils? O.K., good enough. Time keeps zooming by.
Time to tackle hair? Her partner?
On to part 3 - we shall see what we shall see.
- Sue
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