This little adventure is part of the Collaborations action combining poets and artists for an exhibition at The Crossing in Zumbrota, MN.
A line in the poem chosen spoke of the tightly wound ways of fern fronds. I so love ferns of many kinds - young and old alike, and had photographed a number of the varieties in our back garden though-out 2010. The photos are kinda "artsy" because I used black or blue photo box covers as backgrounds to the plants. This resulted in some fern images becoming oddly jewel-like.
We prepped a Masonite surface and let the madness begin!! Acrylic washes, acrylic mediums of different kinds, ball-point pen.... Whatever might work.
I must say - this experiment has actually been lots of fun. Flow has been happening. Hours pass. I see more and more. Often rules are dismissed. I am almost hopeful.
The project is due quite shortly. There is a way to go before I'll feel it's finished. And even if the final piece isn't wonderful the time spent creating it has been. Wow. Who knew?
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