Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stacks and Piles - Day 2

Greetings -
Yesterday's 30 -minutes of sorting resulted in toss two inches worth of old paper filings, putting other papers in proper places, and finding a a framed piece of art from 2011 that was hiding under the pile!

Now there is Empty Space (at least a little) on top of one filing case. Air instead of stuff. Yes, a tiny baby step, but one in the right direction. Some empty space is good. It rests the eye, it increases the view, it offers an option in case space is needed. From our earlier Challenge of ridding house of 30 things every day for 30 days we have empty spaces in some of our bookcases. This is amazing as often books were double stacked and hard to find. I want more ease in finding!!!

29 1/2 hours to go - on to the next hour. Yes, it does bite into the time to work on art and other obligations, but I think that this project will SAVE time in the future.

Lesson: a seemingly "small" stack can suck up time amazingly quickly. Start Small and appreciate any progress.

Back to the stacks! On to empty spaces!
Best of Luck to you with any Challenge.


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