Sunday, January 12, 2014

Finishing the Started.

Yes, that first day of the New Year it was easy to scribble FINISH 30 started bears. the Ideas for Doing are always easier than the Doing.

But some things have been done. With the help of Todd the Helpful - two already-finished bears are now framed.
One small pastel is finished:

As found in stack:


Sigh. Comparing the two - well, I like parts more of the more abstract beginning image. There's a Lesson for us. Should the water have remained purple? That thick dark orange in sky sure was nice.... But I like the zig-zag stripe down the bear's back here. And the sun's brightness gives more comfort than the previous more brooding sky. Mixed emotions. Always mixed emotions. Dark vs Light. Too much vs too little. That's how it goes, and you never know what folks will think the "better". I want to get back to being Bolder. Bigger, simpler shapes. Shapes that GLOW.

There are LOTS more bears to go - on to choosing Number Two. Glow, Baby, glow!

Comments are welcomed. Sometimes we artists need all the help we can get -


1 comment:

timaru star ii said...

Hi Sue!!! Love all your bears!! Especially love all the advice on cleaning out, which I find a theme in all your blogs. I need this advice this year. Thanks for sharing!