Some weekends are simply more memorable than others. This one was kind of normal for us, yet splendiforously wonderful in so many ways.
1) Weather was Perfect both Saturday and Sunday - all day both days.
2) Saturday daughter Tara and I headed for Minneapolis and The Textile Center's annual Garage Sale for the first time. Standing in line for we-didn't-know-what. Making friends with like-minded sorts. The sale started at 9 AM - we got admission tickets for 9:30 - and at that time entered into almost too much of lots of great things. Tara headed for the fabric; I stayed in the books/magazines room. got 10 "Crafts" magazines for a dollar.
As we were parked in a one-hour parking area I started looking for Tara after about 45 minutes - She was deep in the fabric piles, with a small wind-row of goodies already piled against a wall. Check-out was easy, and we got to the car with some minutes to spare. Hooray! Let's go have coffee!
We parked at the coffee shop near The Textile Center - had good coffee and a great pastry - you can seldom go wrong with the sweet roll, chocolate, pecan, and excellent vanilla icing combo - heated...
Thnking things over Tara decides return to the fray (pun intended?) and I sit and draw and write for a bit. Fun just goofing off with pen and paper.
With our plans to return again after 3 PM for the all-the-stuff-you-can-cram-in-a-bag-for-a-buck sale figured out we head for the State Fairgrounds in St Paul (Falcon Heights....) and The Prime Flea Market. Almost like the good old days. Lots of good junk, good-sized crowd, and a pleasant buzz all around. Said Hi to old buddies, bought one little bear figurine, found son Tyler and headed back to the Center. This time I went straight to the coffee-shop to read and draw, and the two T's started filling bags....
Afternoon booty was 16 - yes, 16 more bags to scrunch into the car - happy happy happy future fabric hoarders?
Sunday was Completely Different and even more delightful. But my brain is getting fuzzy and needs a cup of tea.
Ta ta-
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