Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 x 30: Day 5

Greetings -

Day 6 of the Adventure is upon our little home. Oddly, I have kept "on task" for five whole days. Even with work obligations, yes, heading out to drink coffee now and then, and watching a weekend of football, the 30 plus items per each day have been chosen and relieved of their house-al duties.

And even more.

Individual papers and bits remain a joy to toss, but a guilt to count. A semi-happy medium gets figured into every measure into trash. If and when you decide to do the ridding you will have to do the choosing. It's interesting to weigh the importance of the sheet of stuff to how it figures as A Thing. You will have to be The Decider.

A Miracle of The Ridding: Riding Boots. Once upon a time I rode horses. Semi-seriously. Over low fences and through basic dressage tests. Some day we will write about Seat Bones. Anyway, two pair of boots existed in my universe. But where? No sign of them for many years. In fact I thought that only one pair was still around. But where? I even told Tara she could use them because they would be her size. Didn't really matter, though, because we could never find them. So.....

While ridding bookcase in bedroom closet of, gasp, books, I had to pry open the doors on either side of shelves. Right side door? Early edition of "Native Son" with dust-jacket? Check. Pry open left hand door. TWO PAIR OF RIDING BOOTS. One vinyl, one leather. Doesn't everybody store riding boots in the bookcase in the bedroom closet? Tara tried on the no maker but made in England pair. Fit! Old vinyls didn't whisper of their long-ago Fargo, North Dakota daily horse-y dramas, Blood, sweat, tears? Ya sure, you betcha. Both pair are sitting in the kitchen now. Found and found.

Now to decide about The Bookcase. I'd not considered moving this bit of childhood home out of life. Todd did. Argh.

On to our daily choosings and decidings.

Five day total: 232

On to this one and only Nov. 2, 1011 -


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