Thursday, August 7, 2014

If You Wondered

At every art festival we are asked, "Why bears?"

This is why:

This is the Introduction to my first book, "Just North Enough." Had any one of these things not happened I'd most likely NEVER have drawn ONE bear, much less thousands.

Life Lesson: You Just Never Know. Pay attention. Allow yourself to be bored. Find inspiration in strange places. Keep going.

On to the rest of this waning Thursday. The head is "loud." Basil is begging to be chopped in to pesto. (Yes, really. I can hear it through the roaring chimes.)

But first dinner has to be attempted. Any ideas? None of us here have any.... That makes making a meal a wee tad difficult. Rice cakes and almond butter? 

Off to find out - 


PS: Duluth's (MN)  Brighton Beach will be the home of a new Art Festival on Saturday, August 9th. Come join the fun!

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