Thursday, February 11, 2016

A New "Normal"

Just PLAYING with the One Hour theme again this morning. And the text that appeared challenges one to be "Normal" for a time.

Friends have asked why? I do not know. I don't know what "normal" is. I don't how one would appear normal. But the word is interesting to consider.

Maybe I'd go with watching a TV show that "everybody" watches that I've never seen. I've never seen a whole episode of "NCIS," "The Walking Dead," or "Grey's Anatomy." And sip a brew while doing so? Uh..., probably not.

Normal is as normal does? I've most often fought against the main stream. Or ignored it. This didn't work out well in early days, but there was that weird inner voice saying"Don't be like everybody else" - WHILE begging Mom for a Greek Fisherman's Cap - because that WAS the headgear of the moment. Yin yang. Mixed emotions. Never did get a Nehru Jacket. Had to suffer wearing "cut off" Go-Go Boots because none were available in my giant Size Ten hoofies. Yup, I'm still warped by being the only girl at the junior-high mixer dances with those ugly duckling boots. But at about the same time I scored an excellent pair of cowboy boots that I wore so long that they where re-heeled at least three times. I miss those boots... 

It WAS fun to draw this drawing:

And maybe "normal" is just one of those things - you know it when you see/feel it.

Now it's back to filling out art fair applications, and marking off the "to pack" list for this weekend's art fair in Madison, Wisconsin.

Yes, I plan to sneak off into the wonderful Conservatory at Olbrich, too.
Cold air is Normal for Wisconsin and Minnesota this time of year, but to have the change to walk and sit in warm "green" air at two different Conservatories this week - well, color me Excited!

Just don't color me "Normal." NORMaLLY.

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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