Saturday, May 14, 2016

100 Days - 100 Dreams: 1

                 Another go at more frequent Blogging - 

Once upon a time I was an unpaid cartoonist for an "alternative" magazine. I or several years I sent piles of four-inch square bear cartoons up to Duluth, Minnesota. The folks at "The Reader" would print them, and many people laughed. Not all. But many.

      One pictured a bear with it's head down at a table. Caption: 

          Motivation can be a bitch when one is 

I am still self-employed. Motivation can still be a bitch. Lately, I have had weird dreams while sleeping. But no real DREAMS while awake. This can be a problem when there is no "boss" to give a person a goal, mission, or purpose. We free-lance types have to decide these for ourselves. Or just watch bad TV, surf the interwebs, or live our lives on Facebook.

                                (I'm kidding - a little.)

So, this little Personal Challenge is to change my outlook, re-find a purpose, refine a purpose?

I need to become re-EAGER, excited, and Aware. 

      This little person is still in this big person.

               Afraid AND Excited - LOL.

So, the day is sunny, the grass is green, the sky is blue, and I have got to be on my way - it's time to start gathering up Dreams again. The Waking kinds. The doing/being sorts.

I'm dreaming now of completing this Challenge.

On to the DOING ~~~~~~~ Orange. (private meaning to me.) 

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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