When bored, uninspired, etc etc etc, and if able, Visit Your Local Library! Millions of books, audio books, picture books, instruction books, biographies, atlases, childrens' books, books on business, spiritual matters, recipes, gardening, music, poetry, ART exist - for us - in neat rows, and willing and able to be used as we choose.
Kind of exciting, yes?
It will probably include a few lovely quiet places to sit and rest or think or draw or write. Or read. Take advantage of the opportunity. Stake a claim for your space at a table or desk, with or without a window view. (Some times a view is just what one needs, other times it distracts from one's mission - you will have to have the courage to make the correct decision.)
An hour in the library can make a year of difference. On to the Grand Adventure!
- Sue
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