Wednesday, I walked downtown to work a day at American Gothic Antiques. Stillwater was being snowed on, the daffodils at the Veterans' Memorial were being snowed on, the flag flying at half-staff was being snowed on, the Historic Stillwater Lift Bridge was being snowed on. April 22.... The Daily Grind Coffee Shop beckoned. I had a little money for coffee and a little time to drip dry. They had a pile of recent magazines. I had a backpack full of art supplies. Doesn't everyone? Out came a red Sharpie marker. O.K. The dream sentence came out of nowhere. On to Oprah. February, 2011.
Today I learned that Epictetus was a Greek Stoic philosopher (AD 55 - AD 135). Once upon a time he'd been a slave. Now he is the source of a number of our words to live by. One of his ideas: First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. If that ain't motivatin' I don't know what is. Make a decision and follow through. It's lots easier to type than to do.
Back to "O". I kept reading and quoting - and listening to guys discussing the recent TV coverage of politicians and reporters regarding the Stillwater lift bridge. "I was watching them walking on the ice under the bridge." "No, no." Yup. I love coffee shops.
Donna Brazile says "Laugh at the opposition." Epictetus suggested: Do not laugh much or often or unrestrainedly. Both may be good advice, though I prefer a hearty chuckle - even on a dark hard day. Laughs or no laughs, time was hinting that the skimming "O" and the scribbling was going to have to end. Read read write write. Decide what to ignore, decide what to include. There was no time to get out the Altoid box of really short colored pencils. This would be a page of words. There was no time for flourishes - only for focus. 9:56, 9:57, 9:58.
Filled paper. Lots to ponder. And actually more in the issue that I want to explore. Thanks, Oprah, writers, and the owners of the Daily Grind. I'll be back soon. This snowy weather is no laughing matter. But sunshine's in my little heart and I've discovered an ancient Stoic. Gotta go with what we've got.
On to The Grand Adventure,
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