On Sunday Tara and I went to The Bikery for coffee. Though arriving before noon, we were "late." Few objects of desire were sheltered in the pastry case. Boo hoo? Boo hoo?
But, lo! Several large slices of peach pie called out "We're still here! We are peachy!" We decided to share one thick slice, got two forks, sat at an interior table corner (all the lovely window tables were taken - boo hoo), and bit on in. Crust was good and crusty, filling was peachy-keen. Definitely a sharing size.
To prolong the enjoyment I draw pie. Fun free-form angles and curves. Pies are angles. Pies are curves. The sketch is sort of cubist as the actual pie changed shape and size as penciling proceeded. Forks become abstract pokey things. Crust and filling meld into peachy tanny goldenroddy mass.
The peaches at the paper's bottom are a daydream of Summer. I tried to reach one's Inner Peach.
By drawing and eating turn by turn a sketcher can enjoy pie a wee bit longer than the usual eater. Look carefully, hunt for the appropriate colored pencil, scribble a bit, repeat. Inspect the geometry of a particular peach slice. Decide to shade or not to shade. Discuss life with daughter. Go get more coffee. Repeat. If words come to mind write some of them down.
Still haven't worked on the Sharing Theme. Maybe today.
The Star-Tribune Sunday paper holds quote from guitar great Jeff Beck - he is motivated by "Pushing and challenging myself musically to create new sounds and new music." Challenge. Challenge. I gotta remember the challenge part...... and must remember to draw with darker colors and higher contrast.
Lines from the pie day: draw faster looser slower freer
"Peach" Prismacolor is far pinker than these peaches.
One can be inspired by pie's shape (changing), color, sparkle, and charm.
I do so love a Charming Pie.
Today will probably be pie-free. But I'm thinking about French Onion Soup for lunch....
It's snowing out - now and forever.
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