Look ma - no legs! Only kidding. Plenty of the short-hocked, two-toed, woolly shanked underpinning - just neated folded and out of the way.
Yes, I know. These two guys are not llamas. The ram is a sort of vintage English breed. As with some llamas and this sheep, well, the gate-way "drug" seems to be joining 4-H. Hoorah for 4-H!
Attitude is not a feature lacking in llamas. All present in the barn we were in seemed to practice a relaxed interest, yet not REALLY caring about what was going on around them. Perhaps we humans could learn from their example? Only late on the second day did a quiet resignation/boredom seem to set in. Well, with humans and animals alike.
Wake me when it's time to go home......
More wild llama action to follow. Kidding..... Only one bit of adventure on Sunday when an adult fleecy type tried to make a break for freedom. Enough calm and savvy humans were on hand to prevent escape and/or injury. Brought back loose cow/break-away draft horse/errant ewe adventures long set back in my city-fied brain.
Yes, many more photos of our new furry friends remain to be displayed and discussed. And then - let the drawing fun begin!
Looking out at daffodils - hip hip hooray!
And looking forward to vending our bear goodies at the 8th Annual Dolls in Spring doll and teddy bear show May 15th, at the Mermaid Event Center, 2200 Hwy 10, Mounds View, MN (corner of Cty Rd H & Hwy 10 just of of 35W). For more info: www.CPromotionsPlus.com
We will have some new images as well as our "classics." Come visit!
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