The One-A-Day-Motivational-Drawing is today inspired by a remarkable woman. Karen Grimm lived a too-short, but really big life. Others will have different words to share. I wanted to gather inspiration from her long-time joy of life and ability to do well in many worlds.
This little page is a reminder that one can accomplish amazing stuff - if a person stays true to the quest. Hard work and heart can do tons. They can't do the impossible..... and that's a sad fact.
Thanks, Karen, for all you did in your many worlds - model horses, real Appaloosas, and flying - to name a few. A few of us will live differently from today - at least for a while. Touching folks' lives is kind of a big deal, and you touched so many. Here's hoping that these little scribbles keep reminding us of how some kind words or acts can make another's day or week or year.
Most often we take our days for granted. Cliche? Yup. But this day is all we might have. If we spend it bitching or angry we have spent that one more minute, hour, day bitching or angry. If we spend it joyful - it will have been spent joyful. too simple? Perhaps. Today is being spent sad yet joyful. And appreciating being able to see one more chickadee, admire one more baby lupine, and wash one more bowl.
On to your next Grand Adventure!
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