Some days pastels have to be loved for themselves.....
Having a bit of fun with a five by seven inch space, fuzzy board, and favorite shapes.
Playing with color. Playing with shapes. You have your own favorites. Use them - or dare to put a triangle where you'd always put a square!
I don't know why a sentence/thought will pop into the head, but I always try to write it down if it shows up. Ya never know if it might lead to the whole new next series.
These marks were made with some of the softest pastels on the table. Mostly Terry Ludwig goodies.
The marks ruled the composition. I tried to stay out of forcing anything. Play play pop pop. Very few areas of layering. The intensity of colors and their relationship to neighbors' colors and shapes became the main point of this little piece. Don't know if it's finished. But I do know that it's fun.
Goof off for even the tiniest part of your day today. In art, in taking a short walk, in ordering a different kind of coffee. In seeing how long you can hold your breath; dare to skip two, or maybe three skips down the sidewalk. It might be when the Magic happens!
Fare-thee-well and Good Luck!
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