Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Morning Bounty

(This will probably be a day of many unrelated posts. It's all about The Personal Challenge.)

Here be BOUNTY:

Our garden is not large - and the portion allowed for green beans is about the size of an average coffee table.

This is not a normal growing year in the backyard. I cannot keep up.

The beans and kale harvested this morning will go to others.

There will be more green goodies coming!!

And today rain is raining. In recent weeks I'd have been fake bitching. Today I am truly thankful.

Off to the next hours' adventures.

Breakfast awaits!

Oh, and our Brighton Beach Art Festival's booth number is #2. Next to the colorful Christy World (not what she would call her booth!) created by multi-talented Christy Ann Skuban. This art festival is only in it's second year, but already has a wonderful reputation! Come visit Duluth, MN this Saturday. We'll be just a wee tad north of town!


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