This is the time of year that leaves me most with mixed emotions. Spring happened so long ago that if it were not for photos of Spring flooding and young green plants I'd have forgotten it had happened. Summer was a wonderful blur of art fairs, wildly successful (for us) gardening, and a bit a travel and other fun. Days were long, but not long enough.
Now by nine PM the sky has been dark for two hours. Skies seem ominous even when simply Fallish. It's hard to find the ambition for all the Autumn's tasks. The hammock mocks..... I think it get used a total of less than twenty times all summer - combined total by all who live here. That's kind of sad. I want to take a hammock nap NOW. But it's cool and dark and quite breezy outside. Not the warm calm sunny sort of evening that a person has now misses forever. Forever!
One great thing about now, though, is the possibility of The Dramatic Sunset. If you see one appreciate it. That one is a one-of-a-kind. All sunsets are. And all sunrises, and all noons. Dramatic or calmly-not-memorable, each part of every day is the only one. If I don't jot down a bit about the day, that day vanishes - sunset or no sunset. The weeks have been rushing by - the busy ones that should be noted. And, darn, those weeks are the least recorded.
So on to the next posting, the next sunrise, the next drawing. And the next remembering to whisper "Wow" every now and then.
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