Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Argh and Sigh and I Don't Want to Cry

Just a seriously silent"loud" bitch about dealing with tinnitus these past couple of days.

I am trying to eat and drink so carefully.
Yes, I took the morning pill.

It might be air pressure. 
It might be stress.
It could be almost anything.

I am trying almost my best to deal with it.
But today it's wearing me down.

Yes, I KNOW that so many others have far more SERIOUS maladies.
No, this isn't particularly Painful.
But there are so many kinds of Pain...

This seriously sucks right now - and I
will quit typing and get back to the day's tasks.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

The day's pleasures? It's hard to tell.
Back to the 1930's version of "Scrooge" on You Tube.

Carry on.
And I will do the same.

Sue the Inside the Petcock of a Steaming Pressure Cooker


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