Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Books - In General

I love them
Even the sad moldy ones
that can't come into the house
and end up in the trash

I have too many
I don't have enough
Some that can be easily given away
Some that I could be covered with when I die

Listening to books is O.K., too

But it is not READING those books
Touching the covers
Turning the pages
Going Back to a place
Skipping ahead
Maybe, gasp - 
Reading the Last Page before its time
And when it is time
Closing the covers
There with one's hands on the tale

Where are YOUR books?
Ours are in, yes, every room 
in the house,
and in both vehicles,
and in the garage

We bring a box or two to Half Price Books
And get fifty cents or five dollars back
And then SPEND twelve dollars on BOOKS
from Half Price Books

And this is O.K.

Now it is time for the hands 
get back to work
And the brain to get back 
 The Western Front

Many of us fight the good fight
Reading is that win-win battle
Carry on
Here be Books

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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