Sunday, May 14, 2017

Too Many Yarns -

Today I am treating myself to a visit to Shepard's Harvest, a large festival dedicated to fibers and the folks and animals and plants that make up our fiber-y world.

There will be sheep - rare and common, sheared and not sheared alpacas and llamas. Angora rabbits. Folks demonstrating so many things - carding wool, spinning fibers on spinning wheels or drop spindles. "Crazy" weavers. Felting folks.  Color and visual stimuli and brain fun.

I go mainly to look and draw and listen.

And I'm hoping to meet up with a bit a family - the folks who live with the real Seth and the Girls.

There are probably new lambies in the mix now. Leaping and bounding and do lamb things that ewes might only remember.

On to some new adventures, patting sheep backs, being amazed by the skills of needle felting people, pattern makers, Border Collies, and so many others.

Time for some of us to learn a new/old skill?

Facebook Page: Sue-Rowe-Studios

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